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City of Los Angeles Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR Program Overview

The City of Los Angeles and your union have established an ADR program for your benefit. This program provides access to an impartial expert for information on issues that pertain to resolving your workers' compensation claim.

ADR Program

The City of Los Angeles and your union's ADR program is designed to expedite and enhance the delivery of Workers' Compensation benefits, and reduce the number of disputes that are found within the traditional Workers' Compensation System.


ADR is a three-step process using an Ombudsperson, Mediator and Arbitrator to resolve disputes.

Step #1: Ombudsperson


The Ombudsperson is trained to assist you with the maze of paperwork and regulations that govern workers' compensation and helps secure the necessary medical care from providers designated in the City's ADR agreement. The Ombudsperson has experience and expertise in the legal and medical issues surrounding workers' compensation injuries

Step #2: Mediation

Mediation is a non-litigation second step of the ADR process and is only available if the Ombudsperson is unable to resolve a dispute. The Mediator is a retired workers' compensation judge or active attorney used to assist all parties in resolving issues. The parties are required ti use good faith efforts to resolve their dispute with the Mediator.

Step #3: Arbitration

If any party is not satisfied with Mediation, they may request Arbitration. The Arbitrator has full power and jurisdiction to hear and determine all issues. Upon completion of the hearing, the Arbitrator will render a decision. Although the decisions of the arbitrator are binding, any party not satisfied with the arbitration decision may file a petition for consideration with the Appeals Board in San Francisco pursuant to California Code of Regulations Section 10865.

Claims Not Subject to ADR


  • Discrimination in workers' compensation

  • Disability rights

  • Family and medical leave

  • Public benefits

  • Wrongful termination in violation of public policy

  • Third-party claims

Please Note

You retain all benefits that you would otherwise receive in the traditional workers' compensation system; including medical treatment, temporary disability benefits, permanent disability benefits, death benefits, supplemental job displacement benefits and your right to an attorney.

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